Leadership4Faculty: An introduction to Swiss politics

HK_Politics_L4F_FS22 DL
2 h
  • 03.05.2022, 12:00 - 14:00: Leadership4Faculty
End of registration period: 27.04.2022
ETH Zurich, centre
  • Dorthe,?Peter André  ()
0.00 CHF
Alumni Pavillon

Further information (objectives / target group / content) can be found here.

Many researchers are not very familiar with the Swiss political system. At the same time, their research has political and societal implications and is therefore relevant for policy makers and administrative bodies.

In this session for ETH professors, led by Norbert Staub and Prof. Tobias Schmidt, participants will get to know more about the Swiss political system and discuss the possibilities of entering into dialogue with policy-?makers and administrators, supporting them with scientific expertise.


Specifically designed for ETH faculty members who have taken on a new role at ETH and who may have questions about the Swiss political system and policies affecting research.

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